LA GALLERIA abbigliamento Sinalunga

LA GALLERIA abbigliamento
53048 SINALUNGA via Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1
Telephone 0577 679425
Time: 9,00 - 20,30 e 9,00 - 20,00 invernale
Closed: mai, aperto 7 giorni su 7
Website: http://www.lagalleriaps.it/
Business card (vCard)

Barbara and Gilda, to their constant and responsible search for new brands and models, are able to fulfill the wishes of every woman is a young looking for a casual look and trendy, that of a lady-oriented leaders of soberly class.
The many trendy brands offered alongside a broad set of brands that offer products "Made in Italy", in all sizes, to allow the beauty of every woman to dress with fantasy and color really limitless. The sizes available range from 38 to 68 in fact, within a wide range of prestigious brands.
At the beginning of each season, Gilda and Barbara organized in store, fashion offering, directly to the spectators, the new collections.
We are confident that their sympathy and professionalism will always be up to the expectations and desires of all their customers.