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Archaeological Sites

Catacomba di Santa Caterina d'Alessandria
La Catacomba di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria Si trova a circa due chilometri dal cen...

Catacomba di Santa Mustiola
It was discovered in 1634, it dates back to the third century. It’s made up of a ser...

Grotta del Beato Brandano
In a wooded limestone shelf is the HOLE ROMITO of modest natural cave adapted and buffered...
Il fiume Clanis e la sua valle
The Clanis and its great valley: the Val di Chiana, represents perhaps the largest archaeo...

Ipogeo di Poggio Gaiella
It’s the only burial ground in Chiusi, that has survived among the eight burials kno...

Labirinto di Porsenna
It’s an ancient water system dug by the Etruscans between 500B.C. and 400 B.C., erro...

Necropoli delle Pianacce
The necropolis of Pianacce has been investigated for the first time in 1954 by the archa...

Necropoli etrusca dei Morelli
Chianciano Terme
In this necropolis were found in tombs dating from the last decades of the seventh century...

Necropoli etrusca della Pedata
Chianciano Terme
Etruscan necropolis of Pedata Of the 1840 Canon of Chiusi, appassinato of archeology, w...

Necropoli etrusca di Tolle
Chianciano Terme
At La Foce, leaning on the side facing the Val d'Orcia, is the large Etruscan necropolis o...

Romitorio della Madonna del latte
Hermitage is a scenic cliff site excavated in the rock below the church of St. Catherine. ...

Tempio etrusco dei Fucoli
Chianciano Terme
A short stroll from the source of thermal waters of "Fucoli", located along the ...

Tomba del Colle Casuccini
The Tomb of the Casuccini Hill presents a quite articulate plan, rotating on three areas i...

Tomba del Granduca
The Tomb of the Grand Duke is one of the Etruscan tombs known in Chiusi. Its name comes fr...

Tomba del Leone
The Tomb of the Lion is located at about two meters underground and one can enter through ...

Tomba della Pellegrina
The Tomb of the Lady Pilgrim is one of the Etruscan tombs in Chiusi. It’s situated a...

Tomba della Quadriga infernale
The outstanding discovery of the Tomb of the Infernal Quadriga in October 2003 during th...